


#### A workshop organized by Sophia University Institute of
Comparative Culture
Project Unit “3/11 as Crisis and Opportunity

## Teaching 3.11

### Issues, Materials, Pedagogy and Research

June 29, 2012 (Friday), 10:00-17:30
Sophia University, Yotsuya Campus Library Building, level 9, room



The event is in English and Japanese
Free and open to all


More than a year after the triple disaster of March 2011, we have
assembled some of the most active and insightful scholars and
activists working on 3.11 from a range of disciplines and
perspectives to offer their responses to the questions:

    • What should we be teaching about 3.11?
    • How can we teach it effectively?

For this workshop, each presenter has selected the most relevant
materials on 3.11 from their areas and contextualized them in a
full syllabus. We organized presenters into thematic panels to
collectively identify key issues and resources, to share
pedagogical approaches and anticipate the sorts of research that
these syllabi can generate.

### Workshop Schedule

10:00 Welcome Remarks**

David Slater (Faculty of Liberal Arts, Sophia University,
Director: Sophia University Institute of Comparative Culture)

Panel I: Society, Politics and Protest**

Rieko Kage (U. of Tokyo) Introduction to Japanese Society and
Robert Pekkanen (U. of Washington) Civil Society in Japan
Satsuki Takahashi (Princeton U.) Recipes for Disaster: Cultures
of Calamity in East Asia and Beyond
Love Kindstrand (Sophia U.) Battlefield Tokyo: Space, ritual and
the right to the city

Panel II: Science, Energy and Mobilization**

Daniel Aldrich (Purdue U.) The 3/11 Disaster from Historical,
Comparative, and Social-Science Perspectives
Habu Junko (U.C. Berkeley) Anthropology of Japan: Environment,
Energy, and Contemporary Japanese Society
Tao Yoichi (Kougakuin U.) 東日本大震災の復興に向けて
――福島県飯舘村での地域再生の試み / Towards the
Recovery of the East Japan Disasters - An attempt at regenerating
the land of Iitate village, Fukushima
Sharon Traweek (UCLA) Downwind: Disaster Futures, Sciences,
Governmentalities, Villages, Subjectivities, and Memory Practices

13:00-14:15: Lunch break

Panel III: Community, Rebuilding and Communication**

Shinji Yamashita (U. of Tokyo)
災害の公共人類学─東日本大震災を中心に /
Public Anthropology of Disaster - Focusing on the Great Disaster
of East Japan
Kimura Shuhei (Fuji Tokoha U.)
社会人類学特論/災害人類学 / Advanced
Anthropology/Anthropology of Disaster
Liz Maly (Disaster Reduction and human Rennovation Institution)
Thinking about Post-Disaster Housing Recovery after the 3.11
Earthquake and Tsunami
Todd Holden (Touhoku U.) Mediating the Unforeseen: Cases and
Cultures of Communication during Crisis

Panel IV: Overviews and Crowd-sourcing**

Dai Nomiya (Sophia U.) 3.11学 / 3.11 Studies
Edward Fowler (UC Irvine) Japanese Literature: Advanced Texts
David Slater (Sophia U.) Oral Narratives of post 3.11 Tohoku

* View image: *

Panel V: Introducing and utilizing databases**

Lisa Onaga (UCLA) Teach 3.11
Ted Bestor (Harvard U.) Digital Archive
Andrew Gordon (Harvard U.) Digital Archive

17:30 Close

If you have any questions, please contact David Slater

This event is made possible by a generous grant from the Japan

Institute of Comparative Culture, Sophia University
7-1 Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku,
Tokyo 102-8554, JAPAN

  1. 81-(0)3-3238-4082 (Tel)
  2. 81-(0)3-3238-4081(Fax)


6/29(金)10:45〜12:15 「著者と語る〜『逆説の政治哲学』」 講師 岩田温(社会哲学)東京工業大学 世界文明センター 大岡山キャンパス西5号館W531





場所:東京大学駒場キャンパス 101号館2階研修室

