Chris FujiwaraThe American cinema is rich in personal conceptions of time and performance. Each great auteur has distinctive ways of moving a story through time, of distributing time across space, of conveying feelings of different densities of time. And each auteur has distinctive ways of working with performance, of letting the time of a film be felt through the reactions of a character or an actor, of making the character and the actor reveal themselves over time. Through the treatment of time and performance, a director projects a personal style and a specific social attitude.
This series of presentations will explore the creative tensions of time and performance in the work of several American directors, using excerpts from films to facilitate a detailed examination of various qualities of time and various ways of presenting performance.アメリカ映画ではそれぞれの映画作家が時間とパフォーマンスについての自身のコンセプトを豊かに発達させてきた。一人一人の偉大な映画作家が、時間のなかで物語をどう動かしていくのか、空間のなかにどう時間を配するのか、異なった時間それぞれの密度をどう伝えるのかに、独特のやり方を持っている。そして一人一人の映画作家に、演技についてどう演出していくのか、登場人物あるいは俳優のリアクションを通じて映画の時間をどう感じさせていくのか、時間の流れのなかで人物と俳優がどう自分自身を露にしていくのかについての、独特のやり方がある。時間と演技をどう扱うのか、そのなかに映画監督は自分個人のスタイルと、自分自身に固有の社会的な態度を投影していくのだ。
16:30ー参考上映「ブロークン・フラワーズ」Broken flowers 2005(106分)
18:30ー第28回「ジム・ジャームッシュ論」28. Jim Jarmusch
In Broken Flowers by Jim Jarmusch, Bill Murray plays Don, a rich man who is persuaded, against his will, to leave the comfort and isolation of his home and visit several former girlfriends in various parts of America, seeking among them the one who may be the mother of a (perhaps nonexistent) teenage boy who may be Don's son. In relation to the established models of the road movie and to the contemporary mythologies of American life, Broken Flowers is a work of subversion, wearing a disguise of serenity and cool humor. Undertaking what is ostensibly a journey into the past, with profound implications for the future, Jarmusch and his hero find the horizon of the present shrinking rather than expanding.28. ジム・ジャームッシュ
15:20ー参考上映「宇宙戦争」War of the Worlds 2005(117分)
17:30ー第29回「スティーヴン・スピルバーグ論」29. Steven Spielberg
Going beyond André Bazin in developing a new ontology of cinema, Steven Spielberg has long explored the power of the image not only to replace the world, but to engulf it. In its vast scale and its paralyzing visual rhetoric, War of the Worlds is an extreme stage in this exploration. A dark and disturbing film by a director generally associated with jubilant entertainments, War of the Worlds envisions the disintegration of the American family, followed by the devastation and colonization of America. As in other recent Spielberg films, the cinematic image - both as represented within the film (in the myriad of reflections, TV screens, and frames within the frame) and as constructed by the film (the painstakingly lit and photographed images, both virtual and real) - is no longer merely the presentation of disaster but is now disaster itself.29. スティーヴン・スピルバーグ
15:30ー参考上映「ブラッド・ワーク」Blood Work 2002(110分)
17:30ー第30回「クリント・イーストウッド論」30. Clint Eastwood
In the underrated Blood Work, Clint Eastwood returns to a situation he had previously dealt with several times, as both director and actor: the obsessive relationship between a cop and a criminal. Eastwood brings out the ritual importance of this relationship, transforming what might have been a routine thriller into a tense, brooding study in pain and persistence. He also brings to the project his awareness of cinema as a continuing communication with an audience with whom the filmmaker shares a known past (not only the past of film genres, and that of American society, but also that of the actor and his physical body). Eastwood is one of the few directors currently making popular films that both depend on and deepen this communication.30. クリント・イーストウッド
クリス・フジワラ Chris Fujiwara
国際映画批評家連盟Webマガジン「Undercurrent」編集長。著書に「Jacques Tourneur: The Cinema of Nightfall」「The World and Its Double: The Life and Work of Otto Preminger」等。2003年、小津安二郎生誕百年記念国際シンポジウムのパネリストをつとめた。第7回東京フィルメックス・コンペティション審査員。
(JR/地下鉄 御茶ノ水・水道橋駅7分)
パラマウント ピクチャーズ ジャパン
ワーナー エンターテイメント ジャパン株式会社